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  • Manth Olric

Singer Fally Ipupa Takes France President Emmanuel Macron To The Trenches Of Kinshasa,Congo.

Emmanuel Macron is currently visiting multiple countries in Africa as part of France effort to rebuilt his image on the African continent under a modern win win partnership to erase the dark colonial eras. In 2021 at revamped Summit , Emmanuel Macron stated. ""I believe in a policy of recognition," he said, while promising that an honest assessment of France's colonial past would be introduced in school curriculums. "I want us to accept this truth together."

In a video ( see Below ) shared on Facebook from one of Congo's most knwon Singer Fally ipupa fans page , We can see the French President Emmanual Macron arriving in Bandalungwa populary knwon as Bandal by congolese people

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